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ashes, then onto my rant on rudeness

09 March 2006
Things have been going relatively smoothly without any major disruptions recently. This is a good thing. I have, again, had a few topics I could have written about but time escapes me and then ideas which were fresh in my mind kind of get put up in some distant corner and that's that.

I have a big annual grant I am working on at the moment which is due in about two week's time. So alot of my creative writing so to speak is being channelled in that particular direction at the moment.

Lent has crept up upon us once again. I took the day off work on Ash Wednesday and Greg was off anyhow. Nothing extraordinary happened during the distribution of ashes, and Clare insisted upon burning some of last year's Palm leaf to bless with some holy water and apply to the dogs' heads. She refused to go to bed that night until this task was complete. She said we simply cannot allow the dogs to go to hell. Most of you recall this ashes-on-the-heads-of-our Jack Russells event occurs EVERY year. I swear, I think quite possibly that child is going to be a Nun after all.

I am not sure what to do about my site here on the infamous Diaryland. I've had some folks reply to that survey I made a couple years ago with some rather vulgar and rude replies. I am all for freedom of speech, and if I were to find something downright offensive on someone else's site, I simply would choose to not read it. But to have the nerve (or in this case, stupidity) to leave abusive language and general rudeness on a stranger's site...have some respect, people. I really despise the fact that most people in today's society have no respect for themselves or others around them and feel the need to litter every sentence with curse words. That is definitely one of my pet peeves. It doesn't make you more intelligent by speaking in this manner, it actually makes you look ignorant. At home, in private may be one thing, but at work? In public? Society has really gone downhill. Noone respects anyone anymore and I think it is a shame that children today are subjected to such rubbish. No wonder they are turning out the way that they are, they follow examples from what they see.

When I was younger you certainly didn't hear that type of language on regular television, out in public, or at school and work. Nowadays it seems to be a requirement, along with having no manners, talking loudly and obnoxiously no matter where you are on your mobile phones (including public bathrooms, I have witnessed that first hand) and not caring who sees or hears you. I really wish people would just straighten up.

:: 1:42 p.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets