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storms, squash & nunsense

26 June 2006
The past few days have been filled with torrential downpours, wind, ripped up trees and threats of hail. I don't mind rain, actually I welcome the rain for the beneficial values to my flowers and grass. But the way that the rain comes and goes with these surrounding storms...just not quite "normal".

I remember just about 10 years ago, working out in the summer heat of Colonial Williamsburg, we would get a daily rain shower it seemed. It would be humid and sunny, hot and miserable but you could just about bet on having a daily rain shower. As the years wear on we receive less and less rain. I think there is something to be said for global warming. Seems like we had more snow years ago as well, nowadays you get light dusting and some ice, but that is about the extent of it. Unless you live out in Colorado of course. We certainly have had our share of Colorado snow storms!

Aoife, our Jack Russell, is apparently very fond of raw squash. As a matter of fact she adores it. I picked some squash at a certain president's mountain-top home (where I work on some Sundays) yesterday out in the garden. It was perfect. I brought it home and when I took it out of the bag we saw Aoife eyeing it. Then she grabbed it and actually ate chunks from it. Raw veggies are good for your Jack Russell, so it certainly didn't harm her. But it was definitely amusing to watch her eat it.

I have been trying to figure out how we should celebrate Clare's ninth birthday. We thought maybe a day of tubing along the river...that is a nice, calming summertime activity. But with all these storms the rivers and creeks have quickly risen so that is out of the question. There is a waterpark at a local resort, but I am not keen on wearing bathing suits in front of strangers and getting sunburnt (sunblock just doesn't prevent it well ...I am utterly translucent). It was suggested by a good friend (and our music director at church) that the sensational play "Nunsense" is on stage that evening. Why not. Clare adores plays, and she adores nuns. What a perfect combination. Even better, our priest is going as well. So "Sister Clare" (as I find out he has nicknamed her) will be in the company of Fr. Tom and various nuns. Considering her career choice, this is the perfect option for her birthday-night-on-the-town.

:: 8:43 p.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets