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september already?!

06 September 2006
Well what do you know, time does fly when you're having fun. Or staying insanely busy, as is the case with us. There is so much that has happened in the past month or so, it would be difficult to pack it all in right here, right now.

The run down is as follows:

-Late July, we celebrated Greg's birthday. Our birthdays are over and done for another year, at least! I really want to prolong 35., 35!?!

-Early August, my Dad had a massive heart attack which was a complete shock to us all. We dropped everything to go down there and spent five days with my Mom and visited the hospital pretty much the entire time. Thankfully, he is ok and has just returned to work- although suffered major damage to the right ventricle. This is a guy who doesn't even need to take Tylenol for headaches. So him being ill seems inconceivable to us.

-The Feast of Saint Clare was on 11. August and the only request our Clare had this summer was to visit the Order of Poor Clares on this very special day. Most kids want to go to Disney World or go to the beach; our child wants to visit nuns. How can we argue with that? She didn't want to leave the Monastery.

-I had a terrible bout with bronchitis. The bronchitis almost won.

-Work was crazy. Insanely crazy. It still is. Thank goodness it is the annual shut down week for exhibit refurbishment and repair. I still have approximately 22 field trip confirmations to complete.

-School began for Clare on 28th August. We adore her new teacher. She doesn't let the boys, who can be unruly, run the classroom. Clare is actually excited about Math. Amazing.

-Greg and I celebrated our wedding anniversary on Saturday by going to a beautiful 19th century B&B run by some dear friends of ours. It was the first time we have done anything for our Anniversary for about 5 years. Clare spent the night with her Auntie Jean and attended every single Mass at church all weekend long (Jean is the music director). No complaints out of Clare. We missed her like crazy although we were gone barely 24 hours.

I think that was the run down of how our summer ended and the new school year offically began!

Tonight we re-organised our home office by setting Clare up at her student desk and putting our computer and work related items on a different table. I love the set-up and it gives me the opportunity to do work related things for the museum here while I can also be handy to help Clare with homework while she is sitting right behind me. This beats the kitchen table as a work space for her by a long shot.

As far as summers go, the summer of 2006 was not too bad. Memorable indeed, crazy- yes! But we had a good time and although we didn't take any "official" holidays like most normal folks, we had many special memories together and accomplished quite a bit.

By the way, I temporarily solved my white-hair issues. In a moment of insanity last Friday, I got a short hair-cut again. I was regretful for a little while afterwards, but Greg loves it, so that's what matters. By Sunday I was sick of looking at the white and blondy bits that is so often the case when red-heads turn grey. So I made a bold decision, and with the support of Greg & Clare, coloured my hair dark. Not black or brunette, but a warm reddish-brown that actually suits my transluscent skin colour. Not sure how long this colour will stick, but it's nice for now and very appropriate for the autumnal season.

But enough about my hair. I really must quit obsessing about it. Right now I have a batch of Oatmeal Squares to throw together for a goodbye breakfast we are having for someone at the museum in the morning. I must get baking!

:: 8:13 p.m. ::
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before these :: crowded streets