pelican reasoning
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A New Year, but old irritations!

Well it is a new year, 2003. New year's resolutions? Hmm, I must say that is something I have never really made. If anything, I would like to make sure I go to Mass more. That's about it in that department.

I would like to take a moment to say I am happy for all the friends and family that have taken the time to email, call and chat during the previous year. As you all well know, last year was just insane, and some pretty difficult times to say the least. It was nice to open mail or hear your voices, it always was an excellent cheer up for me. So a big hug and thanks to all of you way cool people.

So as I said earlier, no resolutions for me this year. Instead I would like to ponder for a moment the things that really irritate me. My biggest pet peeves. Maybe once I get things like that out in the open it won't irritate me as badly. And it will make most of you laugh or agree or get really mad at me because it is something one of you out there does. Apologies ahead of time, I am taking no responsibility for my actions. I will blame it on the cold weather!

1. I cannot stand it when people get right in my face. When they do, they have certainly crossed the borderline of my own personal space. Now I am a huggy type person, I don't mind hugging my friends or family, but what I mean is strangers who feel the need to get right in your face to talk. Definitely a no-no with me. Definitely violating my personal space. This I have encountered far too much in the museum world. Mainly from tourists. Of course.

2. It irritates me to no end when people say "annyhoo." I can't believe I even just typed it. Well, rest assured I will never say it. To me, when I hear that, it is like someone scratching nails down a chalkboard. And the bad thing is I am now slagging off half my friends as some of my closest ones like to use this phrase. Which is fine. I can deal with it!

3. I don't like it when people want to take a bite of your food or have some of your drink. I encountered this odd behaviour way back in high school where people were notorious for doing this. Just grab my coke and say, "Oh I need a sip!". Why? What compels people to do this? Sadly people have done this in more recent years. At which point I just let them have the said drink or food item. I'm not going to eat after someone/drink after someone. In 99.9% of cases.

4. I cannot stand people who neglect their children and pets. Is it that hard to clean your child up to go into public? It is a reflection on yourself, you know. Or what about bringing small children out in subarctic temperatures with no hat, gloves, coat, etc.??? As far as the pet thing goes, leaving your pets out in all weather conditions is an example of neglect. Would the offenders like to be subjected to horrible weather of all types? Of course not. Just tonight I had to call the base SP's to go to our lovely neighbours over at the "cave" since it was freezing, snowing heaps, and the dogs were in a frenzy barking cos they were COLD. The SP's literally did nothing so now I have to report the neighbours to the housing office. Fine, I have no problem with that. Most people should not be allowed to spawn or have pets.

5. I especially can't stand when bartenders cannot make a drink correctly.This is their JOB. Now I never drink. But tonight we were out for dinner and I thought, Hey, I'd like an Irish coffee. So I ordered one. It was set down in front of me, looking suspiciously light in colour. Too light. Where was the coffee part? And where was the cream? The smell was overwhelming, and when I took a very tiny sip, I came to the realisation I was drinking just hot whiskey. I could not stomach any more. Ick. I remember another incident in Richmond VA, 2 years ago. Elizabeth and I ordered strawberry daiquiris. They came back to us as follows: complete glass filled with chunks of ice with some slight, I mean very slight, strawberry flavouring. The liquid inside the glasses were very nearly clear. So if you're a bartender, please learn to make drinks properly. I still cannot get over my Irish coffee this evening. I guess to people already drunk it would not matter how the drink tastes, but this was not my situation in the events mentioned above.

6. To me, this is truly a crime, but I hate it when people don't wash their hands, especially after using the restroom. I see it happen so much in public. It literally makes me ill. And then the people go back to their dining, or what have you, touching food, other people, etc. Totally disgusting. I was so obsessed by this that years ago when I would date guys I would listen outside the door to see if they were washing their hands after using the toilet. On a few occasions I never talked to the individual again after knowing they didn't wash their hands. And people wonder why I will not open public doors with my bare hands (or touch the buttons in the lifts for that matter). I usually cover my hand with my sleeve.

7. It bothers me to some degree that cashiers in grocery stores or shopping malls tend to ignore you, the customer, and talk, well COMPLAIN to another cashier, or better yet, talk on the phone. The grocery clerks are the worst as they turn around to talk to some cashiers behind them about how they haven't had a break in an hour. Tesco in Ireland was notorious for this. It drove me mad. Usually I would tell them they should be lucky they had employment, grab my items, and leave. Ungrateful bastards.

8. I don't like people who are afraid to be themselves. I have never been a follower, and I will teach my daughter to be the same way. Although I see no problems there, she is definitely her own person. All the people in their so-called cliques, shunning those who don't have the same hair styles, clothing, etc. I guess I was a "freak" in school, wearing black, combat boots, doc martens, my hair being as wild as I could achieve....I didn't care. At least I always was myself, spoke for myself and didn't worry about being like everyone else. It is especially sad when you see women in their 30's and 40's being just as cliquish and needing to be just like their neighbours or co-workers. Sad, sad, sad.

9. Drugs. I don't advocate them. I think they are senseless and a waste of money. I never tried them. I never plan to. The sad thing is, there are people who used to do all that back in the 80's/90's that I know of, and they are still doing it, being 30 plus years old. I think if you plan to experiment with it, grow out of it. Don't build your life around the feeling it gives you, not to mention the money you waste on it. Some people need to get a life.

10. I don't like it when people don't wipe off the tops to the mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise bottles....or the toothpaste containers for that matter. It takes like one second to do. Instead they leave it for the next person, all dried up and gross on the top. That is just not nice at all. And while I am on the toothpaste subject, it also bothers me when I see people brush their teeth, rinse off the toothbrush under the tap, then stick it sopping wet into the toothbrush holder. After they rinse it, they should WIPE IT OFF ON THE PAPER TOWEL FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!!! All that wet icky stuff gets in the bottom of the toothbrush holder thing....ok, maybe part of my overly clean compulsiveness, but still....oh, and floss your teeth at least once a day...ick.

I could think of way more that irritates me. Clowns, crickets, dirty people, child abusers, pet abusers, re-enactors, lab people who cannot take your blood properly even though it is their JOB!, people who smoke in the car, especially with the windows rolled up....see there are tons of things. However, I have bored you enough in this sitting.

So I think I will leave it at that. I have probably offended a jillion people out there. But hey, I'm sure there are things about me that bug other people.

And for those I know, don't you dare send me an email full of "annyhoos"!!!!!!

Happy New Year to everyone!! :D

:: 5:05 p.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets