pelican reasoning
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a warm and happy 4th

05 July 2003
We had a much better 4th of July than last summer. Last year's was quite depressing as we left Virginia after our two week holiday and had to make the long trek back to Colorado. We saw the fireworks in Tennessee, from the Jeep while driving, and they scared Reilly so bad he literally dove under the driver's seat. Poor doggie.

This year we had a bit of a lazy day to begin with, then our new neighbours next door, the Gomez's, invited us over for a cookout. Clare has been playing with their daughters, they are an extremely nice family. It is a shame we have to leave them after such a short time. (However, the doctors at Walter Reed are awaiting my arrival) Anyway, I whipped up some potato and pasta salads while Greg grilled a few chicken breasts and off we went. Stayed over till about 6.30 and came back home to get ready for the fireworks. They were having them here at the Academy at 9.30pm. But Clare couldn't manage to stay awake after her dinner, so promptly fell asleep in Greg's lap. Needless to say, we never made it to the fireworks. Never even heard them as a matter of fact. We were hoping we could still see them from our back garden. No such luck. Oh well, there is always next year.

Still boiling hot out here. We put the vertical fans back in the windows yesterday which seems to only help in the evenings when the temperatures fall a bit. I simply cannot wait to get back to the land of air conditioning. By this time next week we should be over half the way back to Virginia. Hooray!

Greg was asked to do a night shift tonight, his last one, so today will be a quiet day. We'll have to skip Mass as he will have the vehicle. The pinnacle of my day is going to the Commissary for a few items this afternoon. Ever so exciting!

The movers will be here Wednesday morning. It just hasn't seemed like we are moving since we are not allowed to pack anything ourselves. Tuesday evening we can remove all of our items off of the walls at least. So it seems Wednesday evening we all shall stay in a hotel, then Thursday afternoon we have the final house inspection, hotel again Thursday night, and Friday morning is some sort of final out-processing briefing for Greg in work. And hopefully, if all is done, we may leave right after that. In between all of this, there are still doctor's and veterinarian appointments as well as the collection of dental records before departing. Next week should be fun indeed!

And there she is, knackered after a rough day of playing

:: 11:02 a.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets