pelican reasoning
welcome to ande's wee corner of the web

thongs for jesus

09 January 2004
This week I have found a couple of disturbing items on the internet.

The first one stemmed from a search I had done to find some "kid friendly" recipes for Clare's ever increasing picky eating habits. She is grand with breakfast foods, but sometimes lunch and dinner can be a nightmare. So I figure I can't go wrong with the site.

I couldn't be more mistaken. Have a gander at this:

Hot Dog! Peanut Butter and Jelly Pancakes

1 cup pancake mix
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 cup milk
1/2 cup crunchy peanut butter
1 pkg. (16 oz.) OSCAR MAYER hotdogs
2/3 cup grape jelly
1/3 cup crunchy peanut butter
MIX pancake mix, egg and milk.
ADD 1/2 cup peanut butter; mix well.
LADLE batter onto hot griddle, making 10 large pancakes by spreading batter with spatula until each pancake is about 5 inches in diameter. Cook according to package directions.
HEAT hot dogs as directed on package.
MIX jelly and 1/3 cup peanut butter.
SPREAD about 2 Tbsp. jelly mixture onto each pancake; top with hotdog. Roll up.
*Great Substitute: Substitute creamy peanut butter for chunk-style peanut butter.

Ehm, yeah, sure why not. Let me gather up these tasty ingredients and get to work immediately.

The second item I found that was VERY disturbing involved this website.

I'm not sure how I came across it, but basically it is a strange little corner of the internet run by some hard-core Baptist Fundamentalists and intended, from what I gather, to brainwash those children of said faith into believing what is advocated on the site. Note the "Professor Giraffenstein" section. It gives Fundamentalist answers to scientific questions. Such as "What are fossils made of?" Why we ALL agree it's the remains of the wicked people and animals that were thankfully killed during the great flood a mere 4,000 years ago, right? Geez. It gets worse. Have a look in the "store" section. They have some bizarre pieces of merchandise, such as the "Ruby Matrimony Thong", which reads, "Will you be my husband?". Perfect for the ultra right-wing Christian teenaged girl. (better yet is the "product decription" they forgot to edit, which proclaims "these thongs are made for strutting!!") Alright! Let's all wear some thongs for Jesus!!

Creepy. Just plain creepy.

Don't forget to run your mouse over the head of the beloved spokes-lamb, Lambuel, at the top of the main page. A spinning lamb head that "roars" at you could be ruled a bit satanic, wouldn't you agree?

On a completely different note, birthday wishes to two people: my Dad and Dave Matthews. 53 and 37 respectively.

:: 5:50 p.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets