pelican reasoning
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"that would be an eucamenical matter..."

05 August 2004
These days Clare goes around constantly fussing at the devil, yes THE devil, in an attempt to make the devil not tempt her into being bad. I think it is rather amusing; Greg and my mother both agree that it's a good thing. It keeps her out of trouble. Well whatever trouble a seven year old can manage. She has always been a trouble free child on the most part, the odd fussing or crying... or getting angry about going to bed at times, but she is a good little girl. So you hear her say "BAD DEVIL! BAD DEVIL!!" periodically. It is hilarious.

Along the same note, lately she has been obsessed with wanting to watch ETWN, a Catholic religious channel. She watches in amazement at nuns, if they are on. Hmm, perhaps her future career? I'm not going to complain, there are far worse things she could be watching on television I suppose. I do limit television and computer, don't get me wrong; since it is summertime I limit her viewing to no more than two shows per day, and then often she doesn't even want to watch television. I don't understand these parents who let the TV babysit their children, letting the child's mind turn to mush. Kids these days spend too much time being fed rubbish and not enough time exercising their imaginations. And don't even get me started about books, some children out there are not even encouraged to read. That is indeed a sad thing to think about. You know, it is ironic that St. Clare is the patron Saint of television. Of all things!

:: 12:41 p.m. ::
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before these :: crowded streets