pelican reasoning
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snow day

28 February 2005
I feel like we have been out of touch with the "real world", whatever that may be, for the last couple of weeks. What with being sick, being home (alot) and then having a snow day last Thursday, it seems very little has been accomplished other than having a sparkling clean house. Of course, what would you expect from an obsessive compulsive cleaner when she is house-bound??

The weekend ambled along, Saturday afternoon we were all feeling well enough to take Reilly out for a grooming. We have one of those self-grooming doggie places here, a place I had never thought to utilise. But Reilly was in dire need of being shaven, this was the longest we had ever let his hair grow. It had gotten to the point where I don't think he looked like a Jack Russell at all, but more like a mop. We found out if you bring your dog to this type of self-service doggie wash place, you can use their pet clippers and then bathe your pet afterwards, all for the mere price of $12. No sitting in a sea of Reilly fur ~which gets inbedded into the carpet~ while trying to hold him down to groom him is priceless to me, so we packed up the doggies and the child and off we went. Aoife went along for the ride really, she can get a bath here at home and has no need to be groomed, being the short-haired Jack that she is. Anyway, Reilly is quite handsome now and looks worlds better than he did. No more standing over us in the middle of the night, panting to tell us he is hot. Brilliant!

We have clippers here, but they are for human haircuts, and not really conducive to grooming Reilly, as I have proven in the past. If we take him to a professional groomer, it is upwards from $30. So I, for one, am happy with the outcome.

Sunday was a typical Sunday, not very exciting and we sat in anticipation of this great snow storm which was heading our way. We scoffed at it by 10pm, as no snow was had. By 5.30am today, it was coming down. Greg left for the Academy, Clare's school had announced it's closing, and here we sat.

Amazingly, people are flying by on the main road out here, as though it is a clear, bright, sunny, dry day. I am waiting to see someone crash into a yard or a fence.

Amidst the snow day festivities, I received another bizarre email from the executive director. She informed me she didn't know who made the signs saying the museum would be closed on the day of the upcoming annual event, but whoever made them needs to change them and include all "prescribed" information...sponsorship and partnership affiliates. You know, that's great and all, but I was not the one who made those signs, I was out SICK... so she really needs to get onto the person who assigned this duty to themselves, the person who had no business doing it in the first place. I have a pretty good idea who it was, and simply forwarded the email on to them, which they can read tomorrow or whenever they come into work.

My favourite email was a week ago, when I was told the way the museum looks to the community is important, and am I aware of any minorities being involved with this upcoming event, and if not, I need to rectify the problem. First off, my exhibitor list had been confirmed and made for well over a month at that point. If there was an issue of minorities not being represented at this event in the past, do tell me when I begin organising the whole affair. But to "rectify" the problem...and how do I do that? Do I call all the people involved and ask what origin they are? Better yet, should I ask if they are black or not? (I hope noone takes offence to that, but that's basically what she was pressing me to do. By the way, I will interject here and say my Godmother was black so I don't have anything against anyone of any colour!)
I think it was an appalling email, and I confronted her on it last Tuesday. I asked if there had been previous issues about minorites not being represented in this annual event, at which she said to me "It doesn't matter if there was an issue or not, I want to make sure we look good in the community eye and minorities need to be there". I simply retorted with "Don't worry, I think we are covered."


The things I put up with there. Utterly ridiculous.

Apologies for the work rant, but these insane work emails must cease, they are driving me mad.

So as I was saying...just a snow day here. It is still falling fast and furious with no signs of letting up. It is like being in Colorado once again!
**happy birthday wishes go out to Donald, who's birthday was yesterday and hopefully had a nice celebration up there in Heaven...and to Elizabeth who is now officially *old*! ;D

:: 1:22 p.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets