pelican reasoning
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hoops&yoyo rule!

01 March 2005
The second snow day in a row. Yay! Not looking forward to tomorrow which means work commences, which means dealing with nitpicking executive directors who talk to you as though you are about three years old. Actually I spoke to Clare on a much higher level when she was three, in fact. Sigh.

Today we saw just how big Clare has grown. We were cleaning out her dresser drawers and closet, compiling a box of clothing that will be sent to a Women's and Children's hospital/shelter in Iraq. My previous boss at the other museum has been sending items over there, and I told her I had plenty to contribute in lieu of her packages. We didn't realise just how much Clare had outgrown her clothing because 95% of the time she is either in her Catholic school uniform or in pajamas in the evening. Track pants and trousers that she seemed to have just gotten are already above her ankles and too short. I could not believe it. Kids grow up so fast. She is still tiny like I was ~very thin~ but all legs. Poor thing, buying pants has always been a challenge for me and now I have passed that along to her as well.

As daunting a task as it seemed, I always get a thrill from cleaning and micro-organising. This was kind of like a pre-Spring cleaning of sorts.

Something incredibly interesting happened last evening. I received an email from the Creator of Hallmark's Hoops&Yoyo. Apparently Bob had found my site while doing a Google for Hoops&Yoyo to see where they were ending up out there in internet-land. Since I link them here on my site, I was among the matches on his search. At first I thought it was a joke, but after replying to his initial email and then receiving a second response, I realised it was legitimate. Clare was bouncing off of the walls with excitement, after all, this IS Hoops&Yoyo we are talking about. We always get a good giggle from their website and e-cards. Right now I have the pair of them staring at me wide-eyed from atop the monitor, where Clare left them last. Maybe I better go find some coffee and ice cream for them as a midnight snack before bed.

:: 11:08 p.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets