pelican reasoning
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beannachti na feile padraig

17 March 2005
Happy Patrick's Day to one and all. It has been a tiresome day, but happy nonetheless.

By the way, I have not fallen off the face of the earth, and Saturday's event did go well indeed. 3000 attendees. That's a load of people in a fairly small space. But it worked and even though I received no praise from my boss and a typed up list of criticisms for "future use", I think I prevailed and was given nothing but wonderful feedback from my exhibitors and co-workers. I have some photos but have not yet had a chance to upload and post. Will get on that this weekend.

We made the trek to see my parents this afternoon to celebrate a quiet Patrick's Day with them. Greg is stuck at the Academy with some night-time gun shooting practice class, so I packed up child and beasties and we went southeast for the evening. Right now the child and beasties are in my bed asleep, and I really need to join them.

Hope the day was filled with much cheer for everyone!

:: 10:48 p.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets