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spring cleaning

26 March 2005
Our entire Saturday has been devoted to cleaning and clearing and packing items to go into the already overcrowded attic. Not exactly a fun way to spend time on a weekend, but a necessary evil.

Although I do my best to keep things organised and cleaned above and beyond around here, I still feel like we have way too much STUFF. With Greg back and forth so much the past couple of months, his side of the closet has become quite neglected. With Spring officially here (I hope there is no more snow), things such as mittens, scarves and winter coats needed to be stored away. By the time we chose what was going to go away to the dark recesses of the attic, I was up there standing amidst a sea of stacked Rubbermaid containers. Holiday decorations, sentimental clothing and toys of Clare's younger years, mounds of college textbooks and heaps of Air Force paperwork surrounded me. It was horrible. I am not a pack-rat by any means, but Good Lord, the attic is a mess. I am positive we can downsize the items up there. However, today was not the day for that. It was cold and rainy outside, which meant the attic was damp and chilly. Not a place I felt like spending several hours in, rummaging through container after container of who-knows-what, with very little light source. I informed Greg when we do move this summer, as we take all the attic contents downstairs, we can rummage, sort and make our give-away piles then.

Living in such a small little place has taken it's toll on me. We have no storage space, which means my usual micro-organising seems to have no positive effect. I will be thrilled to have larger living quarters.

Greg steam cleaned our carpets again and replaced the furnace filter, therefore our allergies should be kept at bay somewhat. We need all the help we can get what with pollen season right around the corner.

Good Friday was nice, Clare and I were home and had a relaxing time of it. Today we did all the re-organising and cleaning I mentioned above, and tomorrow we can spend Easter in a leisurely fashion. After Mass we are going to visit my parents for Easter dinner and some sort of Easter Egg Hunt. It will probably have to be an inside hunt, because I believe this rain is going to stick around for a bit longer.

On the employment front, I have been weighing my options. Since I quit the Starlab (taking the portable planetarium around, which noone ever booked, mind you) aspect of my job, I am now allowed to work no more than 25 hours a week ~ at an hourly rate. If I feel like enduring continual torture, I can stay and just get another job in lieu of this one to make up some hours. However, it seems I may have the opportunity to switch gears altogether and venture into the world of historic garden tours at Mr. Jefferson's home in addition to a couple of days a week at a local winery. Both would be alot less stressful than what I am currently enduring. Between the two I could nearly make what I was prior to the cut back of hours, and keep my sanity too.

What a concept!

:: 8:47 p.m. ::
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before these :: crowded streets