pelican reasoning
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cyberspace is full of utter idiots

23 April 2005
Sadly, this was left in my guestbook today, hardly worth mentioning, but in the end my heart & beliefs won over the common sense of ignoring such rubbish:

"You forgot protecting child molesters as one of the Pope's great accomplishments. from Alex Jones"

Well thank you Mr. Jones, for your insightful and heartfelt message.

Things like this make me not even want to write on a publicly read site anymore. I am sorry this guy feels this way, either he is being a smart aleck or he actually believes our Pope would allow such horrible acts to go unnoticed and unpunished within our Church. For the record, molestating of children within a Church atmosphere occurs in ALL religions, people. It just so happens that folks have gone sue happy in this wonderful country of ours and the Catholic Church has gotten a bad reputation due to the vast amount of allegations. (Case in point, why are these victims settling for monetary compensation? If they had really been molested, why don't they just pursue justice? Will the money help their minds erase these terrible atrocities??) Many cases are indeed true, unfortunately, but there are far more which have been proven fictitious.

At any rate, clearly I cannot even honour someone of such greatness (our Pope) in our society without some numbskull out there leaving hateful messages about something I feel strongly about. I don't get why strangers leave messages in other stranger's guestbooks, and more to the point, if you don't like what I write about then, please, by all means, move along. Last week I had clicked on a banner through Diaryland and read an entry in a complete stranger's journal. In a nutshell she was questioning why we should say "Thank God" when something good happens to us, because we should really be saying thank you to the person or persons who made it possible. She also made her point to say humans are great and wonderful on our own, without God helping us to be wonderful and great. I could not disagree with her more. I have loads more I could say in retaliation to her particular entry, and I could even go so far as to leave a message in her guestbook telling her she is insane for insinuating humans are of a higher caliber than God. But I DID NOT DO IT. Rather, I felt truly sorry for this young girl and hoped that one day she would sort out that we are mere humans and God plays THE vital part of our existance. I could have criticised her and said terrible things in her guestbook based on my opinions of such topics, but hey, that's not my place. So all of you Alex Jones' of the world, just think before you leave hurtful messages in other people's guestbooks or email inboxes.

As my grandmother always used to say, if you have nothing nice to say, then say nothing at all.

**addendum: Mr. Jones actually left his real email and site address attached to his ludicrous message. Greg and I perused his website, and apparently he is a talk radio host on shortwave radio. According to his site, he hates the military, hates the police, hates the government and hates organised religion. Seems he is one of those extremist maniacs. At this point, seeing the obvious limits of his intelligence, I can rest assured, knowing he is a complete and utter idiot.

:: 9:13 p.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets