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one full day to go...

11 May 2006
I cannot believe the BIG day is just about here. I have thought about this day since Clare was christened back in 1997. Now step two: Communion. Next on the list is Confirmation then either Matrimony or Holy Orders. At this point, she is clearly steering towards Holy Orders!

Not only am I excited for Clare, but ecstatic that so many dear people in our lives will be in attendance. Of course there are folks in Ireland who cannot make it over, and a few friends and relatives in other states that will be unable to be here. But that is understandable. Well wishes go out to Casey who has been fairly ill the last few days~ I am glad she was able to get some meds from the doctor to fix her up. So she will be unable to make it, but with very good reason!!

It is going to be such a wonderful day. Everyone who cannot be there will certainly be there in spirit...and will be bombarded with pictures via email!

The tables were borrowed from work yesterday, the cake will be ready Saturday afternoon, Greg will grab chairs from the Town Hall after work Saturday morning, and Stephanie will be heading up tomorrow after work to help me get the house decorated. Rain is in the forecast but I think we will survive. Hey, if we'd have stayed in Ireland we'd still probably wind up with rain anyhow, so we can just pretend it is a typical May afternoon in Dublin. We all had hair trims and look presentable. Gotta bathe the doggies so they will be fresh and clean for the big day as well.

Today I am at home~ sick! I quit taking my prednisone several weeks back so this is to be expected. With my immune deficiency issues & subsequent complications, it is advisable I take a low dose of predisone daily. Well I went off of them. And as I predicted, my sinuses didn't quite agree. Since Saturday I have had a fever, severe headache and now a sinus infection. I am prone to bronchitis so hope it clears up before we head down that road. I have some antibiotics which I began today. Hopefully I can pull myself together by Saturday! I really forced myself to keep going the past week but I guess it all caught up with me.

Clare has chosen her favourite band, I do believe. She is such an interesting eight-and-a-half-year old. She has always loved music and has grown up listening to all that we play. She has a particular fondness for Dave Matthews & the Counting Crows. She likes Live. But if she had to pick one band, I suppose it would be the Red Hot Chili Peppers. She adores them. She said she loves Anthony Kiedis' voice... and his tattoos. Ha! She keeps inquiring as to when I am going to get more; clearly she thinks me only having one is simply not enough. Silly girl. I imagine her becoming a nun and sporting a mohawk under her habit and sneaking out of the convent to get her tattoos or attend concerts.

I guess she is not too young to become fanatic about a band. At her very age I was dead set that U2 was the best band in the world. And yes, at nearly 34, my opinion on that one has not swayed.

Clare suggested she should buy the new Chili Peppers CD as a Mother's Day gift. Hmm, convenient. I think the band is on tour this summer. I have a feeling Clare will be one of the youngest fans there.

:: 11:17 a.m. ::
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before these :: crowded streets