pelican reasoning
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june is around the corner

25 May 2006
The First Holy Communion went brilliantly and it was such a special time. It meant alot to have all of our close friends and relatives with us to share that day. Clare had a great time and we are very proud of her!

I was a little down afterwards. Here was an event I have looked forward to since her christening day in 1997. The big day arrived, went and was gone. Just a bit sad to see your child grow up, another milestone down. But on the bright side there are many more milestones to look forward to.

This weekend we are going to see my Godson Seth and his wonderful Mommy and Daddy at his first birthday party! It will be full of good memories I am sure.

It will also be nice to actually see my husband! Seems like it has been ages since we have seen him. Clare's Communion weekend was full of guests and the following weekend he was at work the entire time. With a three-day weekend this time around we will be able to spend more than a couple hours with him. Policework is admirable but when you are gone from your family you are gone for long hours and days at a time. Once the school-year winds down in a couple more weeks, the daily schedule will alter slightly which will bring a welcome break. A little less running around is always a good thing.

Summertime is around the corner which means more time for people with idle time already. The influx of arrests have risen on Greg's behalf and the stories to go along with each arrest are quite entertaining. I probably shouldn't give any details, no matter how vague (he might get mad about me making stories public, even with name changes to protect the innocent and the guilty!)...but let's just say most people are just plain freakish. New adventures to hear about after each shift.

I am hoping this summer will be a little more eventful. With a guaranteed every-other-weekend off for Greg, I would like to go exploring on some daytrips when we can. We don't take vacations- not enough time or money- but an occasional outing makes life interesting. Right now I am trying to think of something memorable for upcoming birthdays. Me turning 29 and Clare turning 9. Ok, I am not turning 29. Rather, 34. I think for the grown-ups a night at a favourite pub of ours (which we have not all been to together since 2001) is in order. Clare...well she is not one for having a big shindig on her birthday but I think having a few folks over for a get-together/bbq will make her content. She expressed some interest in a couple gifts, but as usual, she wants more books. That I will not argue about. We are one book-reading family. Like Clare, I began reading at age three, so the collections for all of us combined is rather large. I am extremely thankful I don't have one of those children who is glued to the television or video games on a constant basis. When she is not reading, we love to draw and paint.

At any rate we shall see what our birthdays have in store for us. Hopefully being with those we hold dear!

:: 5:55 p.m. ::
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before these :: crowded streets