pelican reasoning
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starbucks: manna from heaven

30 May 2006
I have somehow managed to struggle through this day with exactly one hour and forty five minutes of sleep. It has been simply dreadful. I think I would feel much better had I been on an all night drinking binge. Mind you, I don't drink bar the occasional pint of beer.

It all began yesterday with this sinus congestion/infection. Both Clare and I have been lucky enough to have two sinus infections back to back. Fun times.

12.00 AM- I could not fall asleep last evening. Once I got into bed the hot flashes got worse. That is another story completely. Clare was in bed with me since Greg was working till 2am. She kept flailing around. A hand would pop down on my nose. A leg would kick me in the side. Yes I know, she is old enough to be in her own bed. But when we are on our own at night, I just feel better having her in there with me. Just in case. Don't ask me just in case what. My mind wanders. I have a very vivid imagination. And we have no alarm yet on our home.

1.00 AM- Aside from Clare basically roughing me up with the arm-flailing and leg-kicking, I had Reilly laying on top of my head because he wanted to be far away from Aoife who was growling at him each time he got "too close". He is shaggy and in dire need of a haircut, so proceeded to pant and breathe heavily all over the top of my head. While I am having hot flashes. Then Aoife kept rearranging herself under the covers and then pinning the sheets down, which I hate. I could not breathe due to congestion. My head hurt. And I was having acid reflux.

2.45 AM- Greg comes home. I welcome the opportunity to get up and turn the thermostat down even farther in order to transform our home into a nice igloo. Then take the dogs out for their respective potty breaks.

2.50 AM- Put Clare into her own bed along with Reilly.

3.00 AM- I am in the kitchen drinking some red grapefruit juice and taking a packet of headache powder. Note to self...grapefruit juice does not help acid reflux.

3.30 AM- Greg is in the shower and I am in bed, trying desperately to go to sleep. Go away headache & acid reflux.

3.45 AM- Greg gets into bed and begins to tell me all about his adventures at work, because he doesn't have to get up at 6am and go to work. He can sleep.

4.00 AM- In the midst of conversation which was then revolving around coffee, I actually blurted out the sentence over to the right which is now the "quote of the week". I am pretty sure I was half asleep.

Somewhere around 4.35am I think I actually fell asleep. And I got up at 6am. Clare ate breakfast, was still feeling horrible, so I sent her back to bed. I really don't remember much about driving to work this morning, but I do know I wish I had some Starbucks. I discovered this morning that the bag of Starbucks coffee had approximately three tiny scoops left. I had to resort to the "emergency use only" coffee, which in this case was Maxwell House. Although it is the "Rich" flavour, you might as well be drinking hot dishwater.

At any rate I have stumbled through the day, not remembering much that went on, but did my work surprisingly efficiently and came home in time to see my husband off to work. I have been keeping busy with little tasks about the house to stay awake until bedtime. All the while envisioning a delicious Starbucks Vanilla Latte. I really must treat myself tomorrow. I deserve one!

:: 5:12 p.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets